
Conférenciers invités > Martin Raubal


Martin Raubal est professeur de géo-ingénierie à l'Institut Fédéral Suisse de Technologie de Zurich. Ses recherches se situent dans les domaines des SIG mobiles et services géolocalisés (LBS), de l'ingénierie spatiale cognitive, du mobile eye-tracking et des SIG pour l'analyse des énergies renouvelables.

Martin Raubal est actuellement membre du conseil d'AGILE (Association des laboratoires d'information géographique en Europe) et a été membre du conseil de UCGIS (Consortium Université des Sciences d'Information Géographique).

Il est membre des comités de rédaction de Transactions of GISJournal of Location Based ServicesJournal of Spatial Information Science, and Geography Compass.

Il est auteur et co-auteur de plus de 90 livres et de documents de recherche publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture et actes de conférences.

Titre de sa conférence : GIScience & Mobility
In recent decades a majority of our civilization has become a mobile information society. People’s increased mobility has impacted various areas, such as travel and tourism, communication, social behavior, and the environment. Due to the dynamic nature of mobility, it has also led to a change in the space-time behavior of society, and created novel spatio-temporal problems and decision situations for people. Geographic Information Science can help answer many of the important questions regarding people’s mobility in space and time: by providing data collection and analysis methods for the investigation of mobility patterns; by conceiving novel ways of visualizing such patterns; or by applying novel technologies for exploring people’s spatio-temporal behavior and decision-making.

In this talk I will first demonstrate how human mobility patterns can be derived from mobile phone data and what kind of knowledge can be gained from the analysis of such patterns. I will then introduce location-aware mobile eye-tracking as a novel method for explaining people’s spatio-temporal behavior. An improved understanding of these issues will help us to gain a better picture of people’s mobility and provide input for the design of Location Based Services that facilitate mobile human-computer interaction and provide high-quality spatio-temporal decision-making support to their users.

Diaporama de la conférence de Martin Raubal


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